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Now Jesus was praying in a certain place, and when he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray…
Luke 11:1

Prayer is the foundation for our lives and ministry. We are a praying church and invite you to the following opportunities to pray.

Potluck and Prayer

Throughout the year we will meet at the church building on Sunday nights for a potluck from 5-6pm before we spend an hour together praying, teaching and worshipping together from 6-7pm. These are great opportunities to come and connect with others for fellowship before gathering together to seek God through prayer.

Sunday Morning Prayer

One of our staff, elders or serve teams would love to pray for you on Sundays. Please find someone with a name tag and ask to pray!​

Prayer Card

Prayer cards are available in the lobby every Sunday. Please fill them out and drop them in the Cards box at the Connect Desk. Our prayer team will pray for your requests throughout the week.​


Prayer form

Please fill out the prayer card below or email if you have any requests throughout the week.

Prayer is foundational to our everyday lives and ministry. In Philippians 4:6, Paul reminds us, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." We welcome you to do that here and to invite the church to pray with you in your requests, petitions and thanksgiving.

At your request, we will add your prayer to the weekly email that gets sent to our prayer team, or someone will be in contact with you. If you would like to join the church in praying, you can request to be added to the prayer team that receives our weekly email as well.

Please take a moment to fill out the form.

How can we support you:

Thanks for submitting!

TriCity Church respects your privacy and will only use your information for ministry purposes.

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