In an effort to further equip the women of TriCity Church, we offer Bible Studies throughout the year – typically in Fall, Winter and Spring sessions.
The Word of God is the foundation for all our teaching as we believe the Bible is our sole authority, and according to 2 Tim. 3:16, 17 it is profitable for reproof, correction, and training, equipping us for every good work. Our goal is for all women, single or married, from all seasons of life to be women of the Word! Therefore, we invite all women, Christian or those interested in learning more about what it means to be a Christian to join us!

This Spring we will do a short study on the book of Jonah. It’s the story of an unlikely prophet on an emotional rollercoaster. You see, Jonah was all too happy to be on the receiving end of the Lord’s merciful forgiveness. He was also disgusted, however, at the idea of God extending this grace and forgiveness to the depraved and wicked Ninevites. God teaches Jonah a significant lesson about seeing him and the people he made in the right way.
This book challenges our notions of who is ‘worthy’ of God’s boundless compassion and grace. It will also push our views regarding the nature of true evangelism in a world that has lost its way.
The study runs April 9th - May 14th.
We are offering a Wednesday morning (with child care), a Wednesday evening, and a Self-Study option.
Registration fee (which includes the workbook) is $10. Payable by cash or debit.