Giving Sunday

Sunday, December 10 we will be donating all giving towards the following five giving projects.

Port City Church

Port City Church is a new church plant in Halifax, Nova Scotia. We included this ministry as one of our Christmas Giving Projects last year in the lead-up to their launch as a church and are excited to support them once again as they seek to reach the Greater Halifax Regional District and beyond. In conversation with Pastor Chad and Jeremy, they have expressed a specific financial need to fund a church planting residency position for the coming year (total cost $74,000). This will enable them to work towards multiplication as a church in the coming years. To see a more detailed update on the church and the residency please read their stakeholders update from August here. 

If you would like more information please visit

George & Nicoletta: Lithuania

Geroge & Nicoletta are preparing to serve as long-term missionaries in Lithuania. Our church has been supporting George & Nicoletta since 2018 when they moved to to a closed country in Central Asia to help with local church planting and multiplication efforts. Since that time, their visa renewal was denied, and they have prayerfully decided to refocus their efforts to rasing up student disciples in Lithuania. They will be partnering with a Christian College there where they will both teach, and concentrate on discipleship and raising up future church leaders for church planting in the area. Our financial gift will go to support their fundraising efforts as they prepare to leave for Lithuania.

Dan & Alison Unger: Uganda

Dan & Allison Unger are serving in Uganda with the Kibbale Community Center. They moved there in April with their two daughters (Jaymie & Sophia) to support ongoing missionary work through the Community Center which provides Christian education and sponsorship to children in the area. They are working on several different projects including helping develop safe water sources, community farming, teacher development, connecting students with sponsorship, and leading Bible Studies. Our financial gift will go to support their ongoing monthly expenses. 

You can find out more information about their work at

Sean & Amy: Uganda

Sean & Amy (along with their daughter) are in the planning stages of entering into long-term mission in Uganda with Multiply. Their ultimate goal is the same as the Ungers – make Jesus known to the people of Uganda – but they will be in a different region with unique ministry opportunities. Sean will be doing sports ministry with children and training pastors and leaders who come from throughout Uganda and Amy will be providing nursing care and health care education. They are looking to secure $45,000 in start-up funding to cover everything from flights, housing set up, and language training. Sean and Amy will be with us on Dec. 10 to answer questions and talk about their upcoming placement.

Compassion: Survival

This year we are partnering again with Compassion to support mothers and their babies in Rio Jordan, Mexico. Our goal is to give babies born in poverty the essential care they need, to help their mothers properly care for them during the critical months and first year of life, and to set them on the path to a fulfilled life in Jesus Christ. Our financial gift will provide medical, spiritual and home based care to empower mom’s to raise healthy babies. The average age of first time mothers in Rio Jordan is 14 years old and the infant deaths per birth is 1.2% as well as many babies with growth issues due to malnutrition. Please join us in showing tangible love to these babies and mothers.