Women’s Bible Studies
Women’s Bible Studies
In an effort to further equip the women of TriCity Church, we offer Bible Studies throughout the year – typically in Fall, Winter and Spring sessions.
The Word of God is the foundation for all our teaching as we believe the Bible is our sole authority, and according to 2 Tim. 3:16, 17 it is profitable for reproof, correction, and training, equipping us for every good work. Our goal is for all women, single or married, from all seasons of life to be women of the Word! Therefore, we invite all women, Christian or those interested in learning more about what it means to be a Christian to join us!
For this Fall we will be studying through the book of 1Samuel. This book centers around the call and ministry of Samuel as prophet and judge to the people of Israel. Under the leadership of Samuel, the nation of Israel moves from failing priesthood to a new era.
Next, we observe Israel transitioning from being without an earthly king to the anointing of Saul as king. In the last part of the book another transition occurs as we see the mantle of kingship move from Saul to David. The book of 1 Samuel is about more than just the transfer of leadership and great reversals. In the midst of it all, we will observe God’s power and might on display through themes of sovereignty and human ambition.